Upcoming Pocket program..... IS FULL!!! 

Monday April 7th Color Shifting with Jordan Statz at Flower Bar at 6pm.Featuring Design Master tips, tricks and education.

If you would like to join our wait list, please email ASFAcontactus.com. If someone can't make is, we can notify you of an opening. 


ASFA Member Benefits

The Arizona State Florists Association (ASFA) mission is to be a networking resource committed to consumer awareness and the professional growth of those in the floral industry through education.

  • You get first crack at incredible educational information, classes and shows at a discounted rate or even FREE!
  • Your website is linked to ours to make it easier for customers to find you and improve your Google analytics.
  • You get access to our newsletters and email blasts which is only for floral professionals.
  • You receive a Vendor Booklet with all wholesale companies and maps and access online
  • Work with us to get more positive exposure with the public.
  • We are one of the lowest cost professional memberships in Arizona.
  • Discount on admission to our Annual Summer Expo! 

More details Here!